Unchained Modpack

Hardcore is fun!

Mod packs
4 years ago
4 years ago
Latest Version:
0.2.1 (4 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
6 users

There are three main goals for this modpack:

  1. Tons of new recipes and product chains but without overriding. So core mods are bob+angel+pyanodon. With additional items from clown mods (without science - its to simple) and AAI industry + some more. Now game feels realy hard to finish and can take 200-300 hours for building your base.

  2. As i mentioned - you will be building a lot. So next goal is to reduce unnececary players moves. In this case you will have unlimited reach distance and building bots almost from start. Less running across base - faster grow - more fun.

  3. Fixing compabilyties, balanse adjustments, some resorting recipes from tab to tab and misc polishing to improve game experience.

I heavely recomended to play with at least x2 tech rates and without cargo bots(only buildings) for best expirience.

v 0.2.1: Just a quick fix
01. Removed advanced oil refining from req. of electric engine tech, so T1 motors now available at T2 as intended

v 0.2.0: This is second major update to modpack aka 'Fixing Tab Hell'

Sorting Changes:
01. Angels vehicle equipment moved from Weaponary tab to Angels Vehicles tab (idk why it was at weaponary, lol)
02. Rails recipe moved from Logistic tab to Angels Vehicles tab
03. Car, tanks and Bob trains moved to Angels Vehicles tab
04. Trains and crowler construction vehicle from Angel Logistic tab moved to Angels Vehicles tab
05. Spidertron moved to vehicle subgroup
06. Angel Vehicles tab renamed to Vehicles as it now contains all of them, not only angels
07. Asphalt recipes from Asphalt Roads mod moved from Logistic tab to Dectorio Items tab
08. Asphalt recipes from Pyanodon mod moved from Industry Items tab to Dectorio Items tab
09. Waterfill recipe moved from Logistic tab to Dectorio Items tab
10. Landfill recipe moved from Resource Refining tab to Dectorio Items tab
11. Dectorio tab renamed to Floors & Decorations for obv. reasons (contains floors, deco and textplates)
12. Industry tab renamed to Storages & Fluid Control
13. Chests from Logistic tab moved to Storages & Fluid Control tab
14. Chests from Angel Logistic tab moved to Storages & Fluid Control tab
15. Fluid tanks and valves from Barreling and Fluid Control tab moved to Storages & Fluid Control tab
16. Barreling and Fluid Control tab renamed to Barreling
17. All pipes from Bob Logistic tab moved to Storages & Fluid Control tab
18. All recipes from Angel Logistics tab moved to Bob Logistic tab (in other word 2 tabs merged to 1)
19. Bob Logistic tab renamed to Logistic Network
20. BobLogistics tab now use angellogistic tab icon
21. All valves from 3 different mods(pyanodon, fluid control, angels petrochem) now in one subgroup
22. Pumps moved to Storages & Fluid Control tab
23. Removed recipe for converter valve (i never find any use for it, seems usless)
24. All personal armor moved from Angels logistic tab to Weaponary tab
25. Pyanodon wood walls (2 recipes) moved to Weaponary tab
26. Pyanodon pipes moved to proper pipes subgroups
27. Pyanodon radars moved from Industry Items tab to proper radars subgroup
28. Py Processing tab now using default py Industry items tab icon
29. Storages & Fluid Control tab now using PyTank(3L) icon (looking for better option btw)
30. Moved all new poles to Logistic Tab as should be (was at Angels Power tab and some others)

  • Some other misc changes

New QoL Mods:
31. Added Lighted Electric Poles mod
32. Added Fill4Me mod
33. Added some Picker mods
34. Added Extra Floors mod

35. Added 2 new tiers for vehicle motors (idk why they are missed so i create them to fill tech)
36. Changed motors speed bonuses to: T1 - 10%, T2 - 25%, T3 - 40%, T4 - 60%

v 0.1.1:
HotFix: Red bullets now craftable (was broken in last version) and has only 1 recipe.

v 0.1.0:
Its a major and a must update as fix for lots of bugs and changes

  1. Removed invalid recipes for fiberboard and printed circuit substrate
  2. Removed recipe for stone tablet as the only use for it was in invalid recipe for fiberboard
  3. Removed all invalid recipes for T2 circuit board components (total 6 recipes)
  4. Removed all invalid recipes for T3 and T4 circuit board components (total 3 recipes for each)
  5. Changed recipe for Module Main Board - its now use Etching Solution instead of Ferric Chloride Solution
  6. Removed usless recipe for sand washing (takes 10 washed sand + 100 water, gives 10 washed sand. big-brain)
  7. AAI engines moved to intermediate producs tab
  8. Angels intermediates moved to intermediate producs tab
  9. Nylon parts moved to intermediate producs tab
  10. Some fluids and gases from py coal processing and py hightech tabs moved to fluid tab (fluids ang gases and py tabs still looks like hell but a bit better)
  11. T2 and T3 Circuit boards moved to Py HighTech tab as they should be there
  12. Production Science Pack recipe moved to proper subgroup and tab
  13. Fixed (or almost fixed) all science pack techs
    Before: unlocks with unproper techs, science techs do nothing
    Now: all science packs unlocks by techs with same names, for those techs added necessary prerequisites
  14. Basic circuit board and all components for it now unlocks with electronic tech as should be
  15. Renamed Coal Processing tab to Py Processing as it has almost nothing about coal and tons of diffenebt stuff (by the way looking for better name for this tab)
  16. Renamed Fluids tab to Fluids & Gases
  17. Changed default stack size to x4 not x20 as its to large. (will not aply to existed savegame)

v0.0.5: Now Nexelit dosent req. for science pacsk and advanced small parts (its locked by blue packs so it was imposible to craft before)

01. Added Clock and Text Plate mods
02. Moved pipes from overflow mod to bob logistics tab
03. Moved shotgun and combat shotgun to weaponary tab
04. Moved wooden walls and basic defensive walls to weaponary tab

01. Removed Deadlock Staking mod (too overpovered and killing all fun with belts)
02. Added Noxys StackSizeMultiplier - its OP too, but gives a lot of QoL so its worth it.
03. Fixed recipe for t1 Radar - now its craftable from start of the game.

Known Issues:
01. Basic hacked splitter work as normal splitter. Those mod has complex code and idk how to fix it by myself.
02. Sometimes hacked splitters work as normal splitters (looks like when placed with blueprints and not builded by player). Same as prev

  1. Crushed stiratite sorting gives 1 raw borax insteed of 1 iron ore. Now looking for way to fix it. (its a problem from mods compability mod, so its a problem exist in all current modpacks with bobangel + pyanodon). ATENTION - all my attempts failed. Recipe just ignored all my changes, And i dont know to fix it.

01. Advanced Electronics 2 do nothing for now, i will delete this tech later but its a lot of work to remove it from other tech prerequisites and change to Advanced Electronics
Same for AE 3 tech, it should be replaced with nanotechnology
02. Further sorting items and polishing tabs
03. Change some techs for proper pack use - now a lot of things dont req. packs for current tier and reserchs with prev. packs (you cant craft items from it anyway, but its unproper thing)
04. Further compability polishing and balancing

Misc ToDo:
01. move all new floors to Floors & Decorations tab
02. Balance for floors speed bonus.
03. Change underground pipes distance