Unchained Modpack

Hardcore is fun!

Mod packs
4 years ago

b Mods loading error

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

When the game is loading, I get the following:

Error while loading recipe prototype "hotair-casting-pipe-ug" (recipe): Key "icon" not found in property tree at ROOT.recipe.hotair-casting-pipe-ug.icons[0]

Modifications: Pyanodons Petroleum Handling

Mods to be disabled:
• pypetroleumhandling (1.9.0)

Could you tell me how to fix it?
My mod list:
"name": "base",
"name": "aai-industry",
"name": "aai-signal-transmission",
"name": "aai-signals",
"name": "angelsaddons-mobility",
"name": "angelsaddons-storage",
"name": "angelsbioprocessing",
"name": "angelsexploration",
"name": "angelsindustries",
"name": "angelsinfiniteores",
"name": "angelspetrochem",
"name": "angelsrefining",
"name": "angelssmelting",
"name": "artsAshcan",
"name": "artsCore",
"name": "artsDugWater",
"name": "AsphaltRoads",
"name": "AutoDeconstruct",
"name": "beltSorter",
"name": "Big_Brother",
"name": "BlackMap",
"name": "BlueprintLab_design",
"name": "blueprint_flip_and_turn",
"name": "bobassembly",
"name": "bobclasses",
"name": "bobelectronics",
"name": "bobenemies",
"name": "bobequipment",
"name": "bobgreenhouse",
"name": "bobinserters",
"name": "boblibrary",
"name": "boblocale",
"name": "boblogistics",
"name": "bobmining",
"name": "bobmods_gfxtweak",
"name": "bobmodules",
"name": "bobores",
"name": "bobplates",
"name": "bobpower",
"name": "bobrevamp",
"name": "bobs-custom-circuitry",
"name": "bobtech",
"name": "bobvehicleequipment",
"name": "bobwarfare",
"name": "Bottleneck",
"name": "clock",
"name": "Clowns-AngelBob-Nuclear",
"name": "Clowns-Nuclear",
"name": "Clowns-Processing",
"name": "Dectorio",
"name": "DiscoScience",
"name": "EnableResearchQueue",
"name": "Enhanced_Map_Colors",
"name": "even-distribution",
"name": "Factorio_Mod_zh-CN",
"name": "far-reach",
"name": "FARL",
"name": "flib",
"name": "Flow Control",
"name": "FNEI",
"name": "hacked-splitters-redux",
"name": "helmod",
"name": "informatron",
"name": "Inventory Sensor",
"name": "LoaderRedux",
"name": "LogisticTrainNetwork",
"name": "long-reach",
"name": "LTN_Combinator_Fix",
"name": "LTN_Content_Reader",
"name": "MaxRateCalculator",
"name": "miniloader",
"name": "more-minimap-autohide-017",
"name": "more-petrochem-hell",
"name": "MyQuickStart",
"name": "Nanobots",
"name": "nixie-tubes",
"name": "Noxys_StackSizeMultiplier",
"name": "PCPRedux",
"name": "pychinese",
"enabled": false
"name": "pycoalprocessing",
"name": "pycoalprocessinggraphics",
"name": "PyCoalTBaA-Temp-Dark",
"name": "pyfusionenergy",
"name": "pyfusionenergygraphics",
"name": "pyhightech",
"name": "pyhightechgraphics",
"name": "pyindustry",
"name": "pypetroleumhandling",
"name": "pypetroleumhandlinggraphics",
"name": "pyrawores",
"name": "pyraworesgraphics",
"name": "qol_research",
"name": "reskins-bobs",
"name": "reskins-library",
"name": "Robot_Battery_Research",
"name": "rso-mod",
"name": "ShinyAngelGFX",
"name": "ShinyBobGFX",
"name": "ShinyIcons",
"name": "spidertron-extended",
"name": "Squeak Through",
"name": "stdlib",
"name": "Tapeline",
"name": "textplates",
"name": "TheFatController",
"name": "Todo-List",
"name": "tree_collision",
"name": "utweaks",
"name": "VehicleGrid",
"name": "Waterfill_v17",
"name": "WaterWell",
"name": "what-is-it-really-used-for",
"name": "YARM"

4 years ago

I found problem:
pyrawores not compatible with others.
After remove pyrawores mod, the problem resolved.

4 years ago

May be its not compability problem. Try add pyrawores to dependencies of this mod. Sometime it wont properly lounch if you add another mods. Idk why. But adding them to dependencies solve the problem.

New response