Upgrade Builder and Planner

by Roang

Automatically upgrade buildings by hand or with construction robots.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

a 0.17.0

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Just a heads up this feature is in native Factorio now. So the usefulness of this mod is lessened.


5 years ago

That is true, but the integrated upgrade planner does not allow for things such as downgrades of blueprints, which is one of the most common use cases for me.
This is why I updated it to the new version.

5 years ago

But you can plop down a ghost of a blueprint and use the vanilla planner to make any changes you'd like (both upgrading and downgrading) before saving again. Maybe you didn't notice that the vanilla planner has options when right clicked?

5 years ago

Ok yeah I did not notice that because I never put one in my inventory. Thanks for pointing this out!

I will still keep the mod active for those who want the instant upgrade/upgrade without bots functionality.

5 years ago

The instant-upgrade feature especially is a downright necessity if one is working with something like bob's inserter options; the bots do not recognize the advanced configuration; it took me a while to find the resulting error in my factory after replacing all inserters to the next level because I was so used to the result of this mods instant replace; since then I was desperate for this update, so I'm very thankful and please continue supporting this :-)

5 years ago

Personaly dont like the vanilla upgrade planner , will stick with this ,keep up the good work with this mod and have a good one

5 years ago

Does this mod carry over entity configuration data when upgrading? I noticed today that the vanilla planner does NOT do this! Like if you have Bob's inserters configured to use a different angle than the default, the upgraded inserters will no longer be angled that way. It makes the vanilla planner useless for Bob's or any other mod which needs config data carried over.

5 years ago

I have not tried it myself, but the reply by cawgod would lead me to believe that it does.

5 years ago

I fully support cawdog, the built-in scheduler does not support the transfer of the rotation angles of the manipulators and does everything with the help of bots, which is very, very slow.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

That's interesting since Bob raised this issue with the game devs just today and apparently there needs to be an event added so the values of the item being replaced are available to be read and then copied onto the new item.


May want to keep an eye on how this pans out because the result will affect everything, including this mod.

5 years ago

Thank you Roang for still updating this mod. Me and my friends like this mod because the game still (0.17) does not offer good enough functionality to replace the mod.

5 years ago

Just a couple of notes on this topic... It seems that the devs have made a change, and now the vanilla planner does keep data relevant for inserters and such. See linked threads above for starting point if you want more info.

That being said, there still seems to be some things that the mod does that vanilla does not. The case I had that required this mod and still (as of now anyway) is not available in vanilla planner is replacing rails - they simply can't be selected in the vanilla planner (I'm assuming because they can't be fast-replaced), but this mod can. So thanks for having the option of this mod still, for the edge cases not handled in vanilla. :-)

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