Universal Quickstart Bots and Equipment deprecated

by Caxx

This is an addon mod for Universal Quickstart Mod where the players is given the possibility to start with logistics bots, and also armour and personal equipment. This was earlier a part of the Universal Quickstart Mod, but due to the increasing amount of options in the mod setting menu this is now a stand alone mod.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b error on start

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

oh shit i suddenly realise what can probably cause this problem.... oh nvm, still don't get it

4 years ago

Thank you, it's fixed, it was a minor error where it should be == instead of =

4 years ago

found another bug, mod doesn't chack ammount of construction and logistic robots, it always give you 2 stacks (100) of construction robots, no matter what you chose, no logistic bots either.

4 years ago

also can i ask you for a 1 bonus iron plate so player will have 9 in total and can immidiatly craft 2nd burner mining drill? configurability is not nessesary, it's too minor cosmetic change for having separate config check in mod settings

4 years ago

I'm trying to reproduce the bug, and have found one bug which crashed the game. But I'm not having any trouble changes the amounts of robots.

But my code for giving construction bots when the players asks for personal roboports is a bit crude. It's gives you 25 construction robots for every roboport mk2 you request, whether you receive it or not. So maybe it's because you've got a 4 in the settings for personal roboports?

And of course I'll add the iron. I'll continue to see if I find any oddities in the code concerning the robots, it's highly likely that there is a bug hiding there somewhere.

4 years ago

Yep i have 4 roboports, ok then this is not critical, i can live with 100 robots (just trying to make my life harder and set it to 50, but whateva i actually want 100).

4 years ago

I made some adjustments to the code, and now it should give you the correct amount, based on how many personal roboports you were actually given. I'll clarify this in the settings menu.

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