Undeletable fluids (For Nullius or other mods)

by Wiwiweb

Prevents the flushing of fluids in pipes and tanks. Use this when a mod asks you to dispose of byproducts and you want to stop yourself from cheesing. Designed with Nullius in mind.

6 months ago

i Add Delay

1 year, 5 months ago

Can you add a small delay to exploding pipes so you can see the chain reaction a little slower

It will give my friend more time to freak out when something goes wrong ^_^

1 year, 4 months ago

Yes that sounds like a fun idea!

1 year, 4 months ago

Not related to this post, However i added this mod to mess with that one friend that always deleted liquid, however i found a way to Weaponize the mod O_O

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