Transparent Inventories (MP)

by patschi

Nobody has something to hide in their inventories, right? For less inventory-privacy: Transparent Inventories! Simply ALT + LEFT-CLICK (default, can be configured) on any other player to open his inventory - without admin permissions. Boost productivity by sharing resources the easy way!

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g 0.18?

3 years ago

Or are you waiting for 1.0?

3 years ago

As I'm not actively playing Factorio anymore (still an awesome game!) I completely missed the 0.18 experimental release. I've just done some tests and it seems to work without any changes, so I've just pushed a compatible mod update for 0.18 a few minutes ago.

3 years ago

Thank you.

3 years ago

You're welcome!

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