Infinite train research for better braking

Adds a extra research to increase train braking force.

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Costs are not consistent

5 years ago

Some of the earlier added research bonuses have some unusual costs, such as 2b which seems to cost 70000 military research packs. It might be cleaner and simpler if you used infinite research options which scaled in similar ways to either the miner productivity or the robot speed. It would also clean up the interface to do this, since you would have one continued column of research instead of 7 branches in the research tree.

Thanks for working on this!

5 years ago

sorry for late response cost might be a typing error
and i dont know how to do infinite research yet but when i figure it out ill update the mod also they were supose to be sorta expensive but not 70k

New response