Train Scaling

Automate the construction and deconstruction of your trains! Configure a train currently scheduled for a station as a template for the station - the mod's special train construction station will automatically build (or destroy) copies of the template train on demand, or in response to circuit conditions.

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Failed: Timed out

5 months ago

In my base i started to notice a lot of ltn messages about not having enough trains so went to look and apparently the train scaling station spawns the train selects the template and then a few seconds later says "Failed:Timed out" and keeps looping and looping

There are enough materials for it to create trains and everything and it used to work on this save for the longest time but I'm not sure when it broke but sadly its not making any more trains and beyond that failed error message i cant seem to find any issue.

3 months ago

I'm also having this issue, and not sure what's going wrong. I tried making sure the block was long enough for the train + the "tug" train, tried making the rail bidirectional (since the "tug" train goes backwards), tried pre-loading trains with equipment using equipment gantry, all kinds of stuff, but nope, just times out over and over again.

a month ago

I'm also having this issue, and not sure why.

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