Train Scaling

Automate the construction and deconstruction of your trains! Configure a train currently scheduled for a station as a template for the station - the mod's special train construction station will automatically build (or destroy) copies of the template train on demand, or in response to circuit conditions.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g 18 poke

5 years ago

Hoping this gets updated to 0.18 ..

Not sure if its possible, but can the "builder_loco" be made stronger ? I tried to get it to clone a Artillery Train, after a few and it wasnt strong enough to finish off the train.

5 years ago

Hah, that's a good point, I should give it some additional juice.

Yup - I've rounded the corner of getting half my mods updated, I'm hoping to get to 100% this weekend :)

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