Time Series Graphs

Adds entities for recording and displaying time series data.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.0
Circuit network

b cant load game

5 years ago

1) https://puu.sh/DdqIN/1522fb89fe.png
2) https://puu.sh/DdqU3/c2368a5e8f.png
1) so how does i make it - make a game, console like infinity chests, game speed etc, doing stuf, make some series graph combinators, lalala save it, turn off mode, load, save again tried to turn on mode and voila - failed to load.
2) cleaning trash - create game with mode, save, turn off mode, load, save, turn on mode, try to load -> fail. Doing NOTHING in saves - no move, no cheats, no craft? no using combinators

5 years ago

1) https://puu.sh/DdqIN/1522fb89fe.png
2) https://puu.sh/DdqU3/c2368a5e8f.png
1) so how does i make it - make a game, console like infinity chests, game speed etc, doing stuf, make some series graph combinators, lalala save it, turn off mode, load, save again tried to turn on mode and voila - failed to load.
2) cleaning trash - create game with mode, save, turn off mode, load, save, turn on mode, try to load -> fail. Doing NOTHING in saves - no move, no cheats, no craft? no using combinators

5 years ago

i removed "_" in "timeseries_surface" and it works now. thank you for your mode - this really helpful in measuring

5 years ago

issued on editor save an launching https://puu.sh/DesSe/0664581850.png
changed on_tick to on1tick everywhere on file control.lua , and gain this
version 17.31

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