Tier Generator

Generates a tier list describing how to obtain an item

14 hours ago

b Doesn't work with Pyanodons Hard Mode

4 days ago

Doesn't work with Pyanodons Hard Mode

3 days ago

I'm sorry, I double-checked everything again and in fact your mod does not work with Undeletable Fluids, which is recommended for
Pyanodons Hard Mode.

3 days ago

No reason to apologize. I sincerely thank you for bothering to find out the cause of the conflict!

I'm in the act of writing a debug command to help narrow down what items are the root problems of incalculability. I'll get to diagnosing what specifically is wrong with the interaction with Undeleteable Fluids once I'm done with that

3 days ago

The problem ended up being that copper required water to mine, which required an offshore pump, which required copper to make.

All I had to do was add a base item for the burner miner and offshore pump that you're given at the start.

I'll actually implement the ability to change base items at some point... I started working on a GUI library to soften the pain points I have with making GUI's but I burned myself out on that, so that'll have to wait.

I got distracted implementing SE compatibility as well as fixing some PyAE issue, so sorry for the late reply/fix. Either way, I've released a fixed version.

2 days ago

Thank you for correcting the error, items are now displayed. But I noticed the following problem: after some time of playing, in my case about 4 hours, many objects, when clicked on them, do not highlight previous dependencies. This happens after about tier 4 of items. This problem does not exist when starting a new game. The configuration is still the same Py Hard Mode.

2 days ago

Hmm.. could I get a copy of your save?

I'm not sure I have any idea why that might be. If you want to send it on discord, you can find me as pennyjim there.

Does it only happen after the game has been open a while, or does it persist after a save-load? Maybe it only happens after a save-load?

All of my testing has been in 50x50 worlds freshly created (I should make sure migrations work more often, but I don't tend to change the things that would need migrations)..

2 days ago

You're right. I reproduced this error by starting a new game, saving and loading.

2 days ago

Alright.. I look into what I'm not handing properly on a save-load.

If there's something different after a save load, that also means there's a desync... I thought everything I kept in a local variable was deterministic, but I seem to have a wrong assumption somewhere.

When I next have the energy, I'll look into it (work today was an adventure and I have to go in tomorrow morning)

a day ago

I have found out that a vestigial piece of code was keeping me from updating base items after any change or save-load. I have fixed it in the latest release.

I also refactored the config handling, so I may have inadvertently introduced bugs. It was mostly structural rather than implementation, so I'm not expecting any issues.
I wanted to release before I forgot and I was going out to dinner with family.

a day ago

When playing on the old save, everything is fine, but when starting a new game, a crash occurs:

Error while running event tier-generator::on_nth_tick(60)
tier-generator/interface/tierConfig.lua:47: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'pairs' (table expected, got string)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'pairs'
tier-generator/interface/tierConfig.lua:47: in function 'expand_patterns'
tier-generator/interface/tierConfig.lua:76: in function '?'
tier-generator/library.lua:404: in function <tier-generator/library.lua:399>

a day ago


I did think about it when I rushed to publish, that not testing each of my compatibilities would bite me.

I'll look into it after work

New response