Tier Generator

Generates a tier list describing how to obtain an item

a day ago

g How do I use it?

a month ago

How do I open the tier list?

a month ago

If you just open a game with the mod, there's a shortcut to open the generated tier list. I'll add a key to open that shortcut eventually, but I really have no clue what key to choose.

It might still dump the list to the log, I don't currently recall. I think it was removed though.

Beware of mods like reverse factory. I currently find Tier 0 based on items that have no recipe, and that gives items a recipe that will make it fail. It should fail gracefully, but now I'm realizing I haven't tested that since I made the changes to add the UI

Also, mods that completely overhaul how you craft, like Ultra cube, currently make it choke bad. I also presume it will fail similarly, but it chokes so hard it seemingly freezes. I have an optimization planned to make that better (as well as a fix for the underlying problem), but I have yet to implement that.

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