There is my ghost

This mod changes the way you interact with ghosts. You can no longer place a building over a ghost of a different building, which makes blueprints easier to plonk down without construction bots

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g mod error

4 years ago

Hello, when I placed the Py Mod assembly machine, the game reported an error. The error content is as follows:
Factorio 0.18.32

Error while running event there-is-my-ghost::on_built_entity (ID 6)
Unknown recipe name:
stack traceback:
there-is-my-ghost/functions.lua:263: in function 'restore_stored_entity'
there-is-my-ghost/functions.lua:254: in function 'restore_stored_entities'
there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:70: in function <there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:37>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'create_entity'
there-is-my-ghost/functions.lua:263: in function 'restore_stored_entity'
there-is-my-ghost/functions.lua:254: in function 'restore_stored_entities'
there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:70: in function <there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:37>
Error while running event there-is-my-ghost::on_built_entity (ID 6)
Unknown recipe name:
stack traceback:
there-is-my-ghost/functions.lua:263: in function 'restore_stored_entity'
there-is-my-ghost/functions.lua:254: in function 'restore_stored_entities'
there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:70: in function <there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:37>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'create_entity'
there-is-my-ghost/functions.lua:263: in function 'restore_stored_entity'
there-is-my-ghost/functions.lua:254: in function 'restore_stored_entities'
there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:70: in function <there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:37>

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