There is my ghost

This mod changes the way you interact with ghosts. You can no longer place a building over a ghost of a different building, which makes blueprints easier to plonk down without construction bots

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Crash in sandbox mod[Fixed]

5 years ago

Today I placed a lot of rails in the sandbox scenario and at some time the mod had an error and crashed the game:

Error while running event there-is-my-ghost::on_built_entity (ID 6)
Unknown item name: straight-rail
stack traceback:
there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:61: in function <there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:42>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'insert'
there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:61: in function <there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:42>

Mod-Version: 0.17.3
Factorio-Version: 0.17.9
Settings: Mod active [x], Blueprints only [ ]

The bug happens repeatedly if I build a very long straight rail (~200 rails).

5 years ago

Which is kinda strange, because there is my ghost should not do anything with a rail. Do you still have the skin?

5 years ago

Sorry I dont know what you refer to. Skin? Did you mean save file?

5 years ago

ahh, yes that was quite a big typo, I did indeed mean the save file

5 years ago

Fixed in 0.17.4

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