There is my ghost

This mod changes the way you interact with ghosts. You can no longer place a building over a ghost of a different building, which makes blueprints easier to plonk down without construction bots

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Multiplayer crash, and save file damaged[Can't replicate]

6 years ago

Factorio 16.49, mod 0.16.6

  1. Draw a ghost stone wall.
  2. Place ghosts of landmines as close to the wall as possible (drones will not be able to place the mines)
  3. Save
  4. Place the stone wall over the ghost manually. Server freezes for a while, and the client crashes and is no longer able to connect back.
  5. As server, do quit to main menu, disable the mod, try to load the save file. It says, "unable to load, file is corrupt"
  6. Enable the mod again and load the save file - the save file is loaded ok.
6 years ago

Can you send me the save file? I think I know what the issue is, but I would like to test it on the actual save. You can send it by PM using the forums

6 years ago

I am sorry I've deleted that save =(

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