Temperature Aware Fluid Handling [Alpha]

by kubiixx

For fluids with more than one temperature used, generate Fluid Handling recipes for every temperature, so the temperature is kept when emptying barrels.

3 years ago
3 years ago
Latest Version:
0.1.1 (3 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
209 users

Initial version, use on your own risk

Actually you can barrel fluid with every temperature, but when barrel is emptied, you will get the fluid with default temperature.
For fluids with only default temeprature used, this is not a problem, but for modded games you are not able to use barreling to transport fluids of different temperatures.
This mod creates for every fluid with every temperature used as product or ingredient in recipe following:
Item of Barreled fluid with specific temperature
Barreling recipe which takes Fluid with specific temperature and makes the barrel Barreled fluid with specific temperature
Unbarreling recipe which takes Barreled fluid with temperature specified and produces Fluid with specific temperature

No localisation is needed

Mod should work for every fluid, for which Factorio generates Fluid Handling Recipes
However - if fluid with specific temeprature in recipe is added during data-updates phase, optional mod dependency may be needed
Tempratures added during data-final-fixes are not supported for now

Currently recipes are not unlocked in existing saves with Fluid Handling already researched - will be resolved in next version
Currently not compatible with Barrels of Steam - will be resolved somehod in next version

Source on GitHub coming soon...