
Adds more dynamics to a multiplayer cooperative playthrough. New mechanics force players to each maintain their own bases and trade goods back and forth.

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i What we were looking for, and more

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

==> INTRO:
Thank you so much for this mod
And also for posting source code to github
We had that idea, and then found out you already explored it / coded it for us.

==> STORY:
A friend and I, after beating Hardcorio and Deathworld BobAngels, were looking for a new challenge.
And we like replayability, a lot.

So I made a tiny Mod that assigned (using description... not so fancy here) every recipe to a player randomly.
Then we parted ways on our side of the map, made trains, agreed on a standard train API naming (so we know every resource that trains stations have as input/output, and in which wagon)
And the game got a bit crazy, i.e.: "I need Electrolysers!", "I need Bronze", "I need bla bla bla".
Human context switching was an issue here.
We had this "No Man's Land" concept that forced us not to build in the middle of the map

Then we were like:
- What if No Man's Land expanded? Force us to move out gradually
- What if we were different forces?
- What if we didn't actually split every recipe, but only the Sorting/Smelting/Refining/Gasses (BobAngels)

And we found your mod, modded it to remove the tech splitting
Added a few recipes allowed in the No Man's Land (BobAngels has a lot of inserter/belts)

Started a small game and dedided to roll physical dices for recipe splitting (really wanted to play, not mod, at that moment... )
Had some fun, but now we are ready to code it
With real life experience of what could go wrong

==> NEED:
We would like to contribute to the Mod in some ways
- we would add Mod Settings to make sure types of gameplay don't break each other

Would you be OK with that?
We can also fork, but then we would need to merge your new features with our fork, could be messy.

There is also the option of modifying you mod, and creating another mod compatible with it, but I'm not sure we don't overlap too much for that to happen.

==> IDEA:
We want more replayability in Factorio (BobAngels).
We think there is a way to get replayability without having it feel 'cheesy' (too random = not random)
And maybe get replayability without needing to change all our mods to get a fresh new game where you need to learn the mechanics (Vanilla | BobAngels | Hardcorio | Space Exploration | ...)
And we would like to do that like players were part of different Agile Teams, each with their own product owner and set of skills.
Can work on their own, but cooperation is the key to success.

For that, we are trying different ways of splitting some recipes between players so that both players can still build everything up to the rocket
But, in every game, we will need to adapt to the random recipes we get, and maybe trade with our neighbor on the other side of the No Man's Land.

Example: Random could force 'left' player to make silicon only with slag slurry, while the other simply sorts Bobmonium. Option B, 'left' could trade with 'right'.
Or maybe it would be really hard to get the Aluminium to create sniper turrets, and you would like to go with Flame Thrower instead. (or trade?)

- Use some commands to remove all starting resources, then add them back, to make sure both players have access to the starting resources (with mod setting)
- Add all BobAngels recipes to your recipe lists (inserters,belts,trains,turrets,containers,etc.)
- Add a game setting to switch between the technology splitting and random recipes.
- Add recipe categories + recipe random rules to randomize some recipes in a controlled fashion.
- Maybe more?
- (may not be necessary). Use optional pre-requisites, if at some point we need all of BobAngels loaded before running our code.

2 years ago

Sorry for the incredibly slow reply - I guess my notifications must be broken :(

Feel free to make PRs to the github repo! I should get notifications there and hopefully I can reply faster. Or if you've already gone off and forked because it was so long before I replied, that's cool too.

The thing I like about technology splitting is that it allows you some control over how to divide things up. I've found that there's still enough variation from game to game based on who finds which resource (I find the uranium, so I take the nuclear techs, etc). Basically players design their own specializations based on the resources. 100% random recipe splitting also sounds interesting, but I'd worry that you're too much just playing simon says ("I guess I'm the one who can make X and Y so I'll make X and Y" instead of "Given these resources, why don't I do X and Z, you do Y?").

Maybe the best is a compromise - a few (20%?) of the recipes are randomly assigned, and the rest are split by technology. That way each game is totally different beyond just the resources you find. But you can design your own specialties and APIs given the constraints of the 20% that were randomly assigned.

New response