Switch Button updated for 2.0

by m44v

This mod adds 2 buttons that can be toggled with a mouse-click: A switch button that works like a constant combinator and a push button that outputs single-tick circuit network signals.

a month ago
Circuit network

i Custom length pulse

a month ago

Could the pushbutton version have a field to set how long the pulse will be? Where clicking it again just resets the timer. (Its quite annoying having a pulse lengthener combinator in most places I use it)

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Is 4 combinators that annoying? You gotta pump those numbers up :P

I don't know, seems like a very niche use case and I don't know how to mod the UI for add such settings to the button, they are constant combinators under the hood.

a month ago

Personally I never need to use the pushbutton by itself, almost always the thing it interacts with (eg. capture turret, inserter, belt, etc) needs a specific length t

You could always add a virtual signal, that when set is the pulse duration?

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