
Adds a subterranean layers and special entities to transfer items, players, and power between levels..

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b This mod doesn't work for me

6 years ago

I can build stairs down. And I place them within the influence of a power pole connected to a generator. They have enough electricity. But when I walk over the stairs down I don't go anywhere. And if I attempt to pick up the stairs (mine them) I get a weird Lua error about having tried to index something with the key 'proxy' and not finding it. My game then exits.

6 years ago

I'm apologize, in my haste to get out the last hot-fix I ended up mixing my branches and broke the whole thing. v0.3.5 should fingers-crossed fix this. I'm testing it tonight multiplayer and will push another patch if necessary.

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