Steam All The Way In Space

Adds a new recipe for turning coal and ice into 165C steam in a Chemical Plant or Biochamber.

12 days ago

g But how will you power the chemical plant to run this recipe?

11 days ago

Steam in space is already possible with nuclear reactors, the trouble is powering the inserters/ice melting/water unbarreling needed to start it up. This mod doesn’t solve that.

9 days ago

Did you notice what other recipes exist?

9 days ago

If you use another mod to start on Gleba, you can just put the nutrients into the biochamber fuel slot using the construction ghost

Same as a fuel cell in a nuclear reactor, or ingredients in a machine. Also works to grab asteroids out of a collector and deposit them into the Hub.


4 days ago
(updated 4 days ago)

Oh, I had no idea you could use ghost items in space too! For some reason I thought they were an ability of construction robots specifically. Well, it looks like you learn something new every day…

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