Factorio Standard Library

by Nexela

The Factorio Standard Library is a project to bring Factorio modders high-quality, commonly-required utilities and tools.

1 year, 9 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g feature flags by version?

4 years ago

It might be useful to present a set of feature flags by Factorio version, for example, something like the following:

local version = require("version")

local factorio_version = version(script.active_mods["base"].version)


if factorio_version > version("0.18.27") then

This would allow the choice of implementing the old way or the new way, rather than strictly requiring the very latest version, and picking which to use on load.

4 years ago

Why should someone invest time into developing code for an outdated Version? Why should someone use an outdated version? The update is free ...

4 years ago

I agree. Supporting old things is bad. And while i try to keep things backwards compatible and easy to use that is not always the case

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