Starry-Sakura 樱满星辰

樱满星辰模组新增樱花与星辰科技,新增了更多物流学、军工学、插件、组装机、核能科技等等…… 同时,该模组也是作为s-s系列的核心mod Starry Sakura adds new sakura and star technology,and adds more logistics,military,modules,assembling machine,nuclear energy… Also, this module is also as the core mod of S-S series 若要转载请留下作者ID,欢迎入群:827295286 Leave the Author ID if you want to reprint it. Author's contact

1 year, 10 months ago

b [fixed]Reverse Factory compatibility bug

3 years ago

Hi Deadexow,

If I try to load your mod together with a recycling mod (like Reverse Factory, I get an error during loading. It says:
Failed to load mods: Error while running script for recipe prototype "rf-swords-armor-heart" (recipe): Recipe item-product "starry-armor" is not stackable but has a max count of 5.
I hope this bug can be solved. I have tried other recycling mods as well, but they give the same error for the same item.

3 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply. After studying recycling mod, I found that the reason is that recycling mod limits the maximum number of raw materials for recycling formula. If you have played my mod, you will find that many recipes contain more than 5 kinds of raw materials. In addition, there will be a large number of formulas like this kind of raw material variety updated in the future. I feel very sorry for this. I can't repair it, Only can only contact the author of Recycling mod to expand the maximum number of raw materials.Thank you for reading.
非常感谢您的回复,经过对研究 recycling mod进行研究,我发现原因在于 recycling mod限制了回收配方的最大原料数,如果您玩过我的mod,您会发现,很多配方的原料品种不只5种,而且到后续更新像这种原料品种庞大的数量的配方不会占少数,对此我感到非常抱歉,我这边没法进行修复,只能联系 recycling mod作者扩大最大原料数.感谢您的阅读!

3 years ago

Thank you for the response. I'll look into it myself for a little bit.

3 years ago

After reading the reply from the author of Recycling Mod, I found that I was really wrong. The specific reason can be found in the discussion section of Recycling Mod. Finally, thank you for downloading Starry Sakura.Due to the rapid update, there may be a lot of bugs during the period, but also please point out more!
经过看了recycling mod作者的回复后,我发现确实是我想错了,具体原因在recycling mod讨论区,最后感谢您下载starry-sakura,由于更新较快,期间可能会出现很多bug,还请多多指出!

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