
Factorio but with logistics-capable stargates that teleports players and belt contents around the map and between surfaces.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g A scenario idea

3 years ago

I had a dream last night- you should make a scenario based on stargates.

Under this scenario, the stargates are generated as part of the terrain and you can't craft stargates or move them. You must explore the map to discover, not only the gates themselves, but addresses too. So by the time you've explored a big map, there's a huge portal network to move around, with the caveat that you don't get to choose where the gates are located.

3 years ago

I am unsure about what controls exist for displaying or hiding gate addresses from the list, but I do not remember there being much, if any.
You are welcome to design a map yourself.
let me know how you're intending to make it work with your scenario and I can probably set up some remotes to make it do what you need it to.

Similar situation to the warptorio expansion.

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