
Factorio but with logistics-capable stargates that teleports players and belt contents around the map and between surfaces.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Video Let's Test

4 years ago

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4 years ago

Als Reaktion auf mein Let's Test Video wurde eine Frage/Bitte an mich herangetragen. Wäre es künftig möglich, dass mehrere Portale miteinander verbunden werden können?

In response to my Let's Test video, I was asked a question / request. Would it be possible in the future that several portals could be linked together?

4 years ago

Eine weitere Frage wurde an mich herangetragen. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit Flüssigkeiten (Rohre) durch das Portal zu schicken?

Another question was brought to me. Is there a way to send liquids (pipes) through the portal?

3 years ago

Thank you for translations.

You are welcome to use this content in youtube videos however you like.
I am only concerned with people re-purposing and re-uploading my mods with insignificant changes.
I was not able to watch your video because I do not speak your language.

Liquids / Pipes - No, but I would like to add it.

I skipped through your video and noticed you were playing with Trains towards the end.
Sadly, teleporting trains is a buggy and unreliable mess, even at the best of times:
It is unlikely this will ever be added to this mod.

New response