Crash when i try join on server (i think after Milkyway Stargate and Pegasus Stargate
125.606 Error ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:1133: mod-stargate was registered for the following nth_ticks when the map was saved but has not re-registered them as a result of loading: 6997726, 6997759, 6997793, 6997826, 6997859, 6997893, 6997926, 6997959, 6997993, 6998026, 6998116, 7170474, 7170507, 7170541, 7170574, 7170607, 7170641, 7170674, 7170707, 7170741, 7170774, 7170864, 7175299, 7175332, 7175366, 7175399, 7175432, 7175466, 7175499, 7175532, 7175566, 7175599, 7175689, 7326139, 7326172, 7326206, 7326239, 7326272, 7326306, 7326339, 7326372, 7326406, 7326439 i 7326529
125.606 Error ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:100: MultiplayerManager failed: "" + multiplayer.script-event-mismatch + "
" + "