Stack Combinator

by modo_lv

An arithmetic combinator that performs stack size multiplication/division/rounding on item signals. Features signal inversion and output display, compatible with Picker Dollies and Nullius.

9 months ago
Circuit network

i [✘] Show output signals in the info panel

10 months ago

Thanks a lot for this mod, it allows to make more general blueprints that are way easier to configure.

I have a small suggestion for improvement. It would be great if you could see not only the input but also the output signals in the info panel on the right when you mouse over the stack combinator, just like with regular ones.

9 months ago
(updated 9 months ago)

Mods can't modify the info panel directly, and due to the way Factorio works, a StaCo actually has to combine two combinators - the modified arithmetic for input, and a hidden output one. The only way to show output signals would be to make the output combinator visible, which would look ugly and could get messy with the internal wires, rotation, etc. If I could find a way to make the output combinator focusable (even if invisible) while also directing all other interactions (clicking, rotation, destruction, etc.) to the input combinator, that might be an option. But I'm not sure when I'll have the time, or if it's even possible.

9 months ago

I see, thanks for getting back to me with an explanation. Sounds like a possible experimentation time sink without a guaranteed outcome, so it might indeed not be worth the effort.