Stack Combinator

by modo_lv

An arithmetic combinator that performs stack size multiplication/division/rounding on item signals. Features signal inversion and output display, compatible with Picker Dollies and Nullius.

9 months ago
Circuit network

b [...] Server Desync Issue

1 year, 1 month ago

Using the mod in multiplayer with Ultracube to automatically disable and enable trains stations and run into a lot of desync issues. Also it caused the map to refuse to load anymore. This is the error we are getting Here is the log

1 year, 1 month ago

StaCo uses "every 10th tick" update only for an open GUI, so the must be connected to that somehow. Unfortunately I have been unable to reproduce the error, as no matter what combination of GUI opening/closing and saving/loading I try, I cannot get the same crash.

Can you send me the broken save?

1 year, 1 month ago

I have uploaded v1.5.2, which may fix the issue, as it explicitly unregisters any existing StaCo GUI updates during game load. Please try it, and if it still doesn't work, send me the save file so I can investigate further.

1 year, 1 month ago

I was able to test the new version of the mod, the map loaded fine but am still running into desync issues

1 year, 1 month ago

Can you send me the map and maybe some log files from when the desyncs happen? Also it would help a lot if you could tell if the desyncs happen around certain events or just in general.

1 year, 1 month ago
here is a google drive link with the desync report, the desyncs happen randomly on a relative regular basis, usually within 5 minutes. The desyncs usually happen a bunch of times and then the connection is stable. What I mean by that is each time time I join the server I have a chance of never getting desyncs so usually after a couple desyncs varying I can stay connected for hours