Spell Pack deprecated

by OwnlyMe

New useful abilities

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

i More Spells

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Awesome mod, but... needs a few more spells.
► Put spells into their own category or make it an option. lots of mods add their own categories so having it as an option may decrease clutter.
► Healing Aura - Heals self and others around the caster.
► Elemental Trap - Put a trap down that damages critters or other faction players when triggered in a small radius.
► Summon Friendo - Summons a clone of the player with what ever weapons they have and equal ammo for 20 seconds. This can actually be quite OP at late game depending on mods installed. The clone will follow player within a certain distance and also try to keep a distance between itself and enemies.
► Call Defender - Summons a turret for 60 seconds with a bit of health and ammo.
► Peak-a-boo - Invisibility for 20 seconds and drops agro (To help get the heck outta dodge...)
► Whoopsie - Hurts your self, because life is hard?

At the time of writing I ran out of ideas and wanted to go back to play some more Factorio...
May update with more ideas later...

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

hmm i just think i'll replace blink with an atomic bomb spell.
► Healing Aura - Would only make sense in multiplayer and is very similar to the repair spell, i could add a healing effect to the repair spell
► Elemental Trap - Good idea (+)
► Summon Friendo - Didn't look into it but might be hard to do (+)
► Call Defender - Maybe with 4 turrets? But then it sounds pretty op (+)
► Peak-a-boo - I don't think this is possible, sounds a bit gimmicky too..
► Whoopsie - wtf? xD i'd rather take an artillery shower :P

I probably won't make a seperate category for my spells because i'm avoiding mods that do that myself.
If i'll add more spells, i need enough to justify taking another row ;)
I marked all spells i'm considering with a (+) :)

5 years ago

Cool! been thinking a bit on your replies, and here is my further comment:
► Elemental Trap - could be like a 'dot' (Damage over time) effect, might make it more viable then a small grenade like effect. Got plenty of mods to throw grenades anyways.... But i havent really seen mods that makes "traps".

► Call Defender - Instead of 4 turrets, just shorter cooldown?
Also, because some mods now have tiered repair kits, making the turrets take constant damage before they 'vanish' again would not make much sense...

► Whoopsie - Or a more friendlier version: could have the Whoopsie spell drop all items of the caster on the ground, might be easier and simpler and would fit the name. Just one of them silly ideas I get.

New spell idea:
► Sneek-peak - Reveal a 3x3 chunk area of choice on the map within 1,000 units of caster just like how artillery shells reveal the map. 20 sec cooldown to keep both lag and spamming to a minimum.
Could be useful, or be one of them spells to sit and collect dust.
I got the mod Ion Cannon installed and some other mods to make biters have INSANE levels of HP, and this spells would be awesome coupled with the Ion Cannon.

New response