Mod cannot load certain icons because of case mismatch in file extension, i.e. mod tries to find * .png but file is *.PNG or other way around. Easily fixed locally by making everything lowercase.
For the GUI I urge you NOT to use absurdly large margins as hacks for anything like "moving" the GUI to the top right. By pressing ctrl+f5 and ctrl+f6 to toggle GUI debug and style view it becomes much more obvious what your GUI really looks like.
The problem is that you're not really moving the GUI anywhere with this, you're only making the GUI very BIG by adding unused space, as left_margin adds unused space to the left. Even if it may look good, this unused space still belongs to your GUI as part of your whole GUI and this causes problems for any GUI that comes AFTER (e.g. autoresearch GUI) because of the horizontal_flow style. And since yours uses up almost all of the remaining horizontal screen resolution that GUI will look incredibly ugly and will almost certainly not fit which causes an even uglier scroll bar to appear out of nowhere, crashing your mod on the very next on_nth_tick.
Don't patch your hack, you'll go insane. You're manually calculating how much empty space there is in a GUI that is different for everyone, to use for manually "positioning" your GUI using a method that doesn't in any way change the actual position. These things need to happen automatically, you're relying on countless assumptions otherwise. Have you already tried a progressbar for mana and spirit like the one used for health and personal shield? I'm no modder myself but it seems very appropriate to me. Maybe the exact mana/max mana can be displayed inside the progress bar printed ontop. If that doesn't look good just printing those values anywhere without being fancy seems good enough. Seems nice to know what your max mana is, but maybe it's fine even without.
Really love your mod by the way, really improves the QoL in the early parts of the game in a very interesting and fun way without blatant cheating. Thank you very much!