完善了Yariazen的太空厂房mod原本所需的各类内容(原作者咕咕咕了)。主要包括Lv1,Lv2,Lv3三个等级的太空厂房和太空重力厂房,以及一些bug修复,并且允许它们放置在飞船上。 Improve and perfect Yariazen's Space Factorissimo for factorio 1.1,it contains Lv1,Lv2,Lv3 space-factory and gravity space factory,and some bugfixes.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 1.1.5 Date: 2024.9.12 Info: - Space Gravity Factory also can be placed on the ground 内容: - 太空重力厂房现在可以被直接放置到地面上
Version: 1.1.4 Date: 2024.8.29 Info: - Space Factory now can be placed on spaceship, but please note that there may be bugs, refer to the setup description for details 内容: - 厂房现在可以被放置到宇宙飞船上,但请注意会存在bug,详情请看设置描述
Version: 1.1.3 Date: 2024.8.9 Bugfixes: - Change the dependency to notnotmelon's fork
Version: 1.1.2 Date: 2023.12.23 Bugfixes: - Fix crashing when putting space factory in other factories
Version: 1.1.1 Date: 2023.12.21 Bugfixes: - Resolved issue where buildings in Space Factory are grounded
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 2023.12.20 Info: - Adds Space Factory versions of factory 1 and factory 2 - Adds Gravity Factory versions of factory 2 and factory 3 - Changes Space Factory 1 to Space Factory 3 - Implements compatibility features with Space Exploration - Rebalances current technology tree - Rebalances current factory recipe