Space exploration productivity deprecated

Allows productivity modules is SE buildings.

3 years ago

g Does not seem to be working?

2 years ago

Even with this mod i cannot install red modules into the big manufactury not even in recipes that should allow it natively.
Strange thing is it worked last time i tried last month.

2 years ago

Could you please press f4 when in the game, turn on "show-debug-info-in-tooltips", hover over the manufactories that don't work and tell me the name field (on the right, most bottom field)? Everything works for me.

2 years ago

Yes, the basic big manufactury.
Every since last patch it even says in big red letters "Cannot use prod in space".

This was not a fun debug help.
F4 for me is "disconnect rolling stock" so i had to figure out which keybind i had to set since i unbound everything i dont need.
Then i had to reduce the UI zoom from 115% to 100 and then to 75% before the bottom line was even visible.

2 years ago

Okay, the problem has been fixed, and while I was fixing it, I decided to completely rewrite the code. Mod portal didn't allow me to upload it here, so I uploaded the new version here