Space exploration productivity deprecated

Allows productivity modules is SE buildings.

3 years ago

b recipe's name spell

3 years ago

the code of recipe "space-dilation-data" &&"space-dilation-data-alt". this mod write "dialation".
it cause arcosphere get more and more.

3 years ago

Unfortunately, I haven’t read through the entire mod code when updating it, and stopped playing SE before unlocking the arcospheres, so I’m not sure what problem you have encountered.
If you give me a more detailed description, I will try my best to fix whatever happens with arcospheres. Thanks!

3 years ago

Side note: there is an mod option that allows you to disable productivity on catalyst production facilities. If the arcospheres are a catalyst, you can turn that on and it might fix the problem

3 years ago

the recipe 's name is "space-dilation-data". in mod you write error.
so recipe is not be protected. and can make arcospheres-x get more and more.
i read the mod's code . and get this error. so pose to you .
in your code , the protected recipe's name is "space-dilation-data" ,and you code "space-dialation-data".sorry.