Space Exploration Extra Items

by BigMonD

Adds a selection of additional items and recipes to the game

3 years ago

g mini life support

3 years ago

Did you test if it actually works?

3 years ago

Yeah sorry, Its been a long day and its late here, thought I;d got it but missed somehting. I'll put out a fix as soon as I get chance

3 years ago

I'm not sure if it's fixable on your end, since the life support behavior is caused in the SE control stage code. I can ask Earandel to add a remote interface for other mods to add lifesupport equipment, though.

3 years ago

Yes I realised this after I got into what causes things. In my tiredness and excitement I forgot that the life support efficiency is handled by a script and not on the prototype.

I've managed to get it working by adding a remote interface to space exploration. I've just messaged the discord se-suggestions channel requesting the change and supplied the code which was happily fairly simple.

It would be a great help if it can be added. I've been wondering how to solve this otherwise and anything I can think of would be a pain in the back side and unreliable at best.

3 years ago

Yeah, a remote interface is the only way. Control stage code is sandboxed, it can't really be injected from outside.

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