Auto Research (fixed + re-published abandoned mod)

Automates research. Toggle GUI with Shift+T (customizable).

a month ago
0.18 - 2.0

b Cant research infinite technologies

11 months ago

When i add infinite technology into queue, it will only research one level and then stops. Is there a way to continuously research infinitely?

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

Works for me, at least with miningproductivity.

Post more details on how to reproduce the issue.

Maybe consider that (for mining productivity) the first 5 or so researches are NOT the infinite tech and therefore can only be researched once.

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

I am having problem to continuously research technologies that are researched faster than 5 secs. I have mods with modules revorked so my labs are like 10-20 faster than normal and with 500 SPM its really like 10000 SPM. And at the level 50 of mining productivity, the auto research cant be used to do it for some reason. It just reasearch one and then nothing else, even any other research.

EDIT: I found out i could be that mod Extended Research Queue is somehow messing with your mod. Maybe add it into incompatibility because without it, it works just fine :D

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

That mod seems like a clusterfuck of unmaintained/abandoned forks of forks ...

Anyway I now list it as incompat (which is stupid, since it silently disables this mod, instead of loudly complaining or disabling the other mod, but whatever) and listed it on the mod page.

New response