Auto Research (fixed + re-published abandoned mod)

Automates research. Toggle GUI with Shift+T (customizable).

3 months ago
0.18 - 2.0

b auto-research shows, and queues, hidden technologies.

4 years ago

Rampant Arsenal adds a bunch of technologies for very specific sorts of weapon and turret damage boosts. It also sets the damage technologies from base to "hidden", so they are not visible to the player, but they do still exist in the game.

Auto Research shows them in the list of techs you can queue, and also auto-queues them. It shouldn't, because they are not meant to be "player accessible"; other mods use hidden techs for internal stuff as well, and unlock them, eg, from scripts or whatever.

The fix is easy enough: check technology.hidden, and pretend it doesn't exist if it is true. For some values of easy, I have not looked at the code, so I don't know if that means a million changes, or just one. :)

Thanks for picking up the mod, by the way. Very much appreciated.

4 years ago

Update: technology.prototype.hidden, and checking in canResearch, and the GUI loops, is sufficient. Since players can't normally research a hidden tech, it is never "canResearch", and it should open up when whatever script turns it to researched automatically based on something else.

4 years ago

Will take a look into it next weekend.

1 year, 10 months ago

Still an issue.

Adding "or technology.prototype.hidden" to canResearch fixed it for me.

1 year, 10 months ago

Cant really test it, but it didnt make factorio explode into my face, so it might work?

Plz try. :)

New response