by dorfl

Small modular nuclear reactors designed to be deployed off-grid at remote sites. SMRs are manufactured as sealed units with a fixed energy capacity, including both fuel and generator components. This means they can be quickly setup anywhere but once depleted must be returned to base for refurbishment.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1
This mod 1 From other mods 8
Dependency types:
Default 5 Required 1 Conflict 1 Optional 3 Hidden 3
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 3.06K
all-the-modportal 17
smr_forked 175
hazmat-suit-k2fix 1.51K
hazmat-suit 1.32K
UberSprinkles >= 0.3.0 39
Last dependency data update: 12 hours ago (for v0.3.0)