SLP - High-capacity batteries

by SLywnow

Adds high-capacity batteries that can be used as an easily portable power source between substations, for example, to charge distant outposts

a month ago
1.0 - 2.0

g Cant charge accums from that

4 years ago

Pls in code change usage_priority = tertiary in discharger to usage_priority = "primary-output"
After that everyone can charge accums from discharger))

4 years ago

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4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I would like it not to use this at all until the accums are empty because I use them more of a "backup battery" because the solar keeps the base going but they have issues at night and when the lasers are firing at large groups but instead these drain first for normal usage at night instead of saving for heavy attack times like I as trying to use them :( as they take resource and the accums that are FULL do not.

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