Library mod that makes it easy for other mods to add custom characters (skins), with a character picker. Written to be compatible with almost all mods that edit the default character prototype. Explicitly compatible with Jetpack, Space Exploration, RPG System, and CharacterModHelper.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Version: 1.3.4 Date: 3.12.2024 Compatibility: - Compatibility with "Expanded inventory size" (increases weapon inventory size).
Version: 1.3.3 Date: 20.11.2024 Compatibility: - Hide the GUI, shortcuts, and player settings when running in compatibility mode. Bugfixes: - Fix a desync related to compatibility with miniMAXIme. - Fixed the close button of the GUI not specifying the correct sprite due to 2.0 changes.
Version: 1.3.2 Date: 15.11.2024 Bugfixes: - Fix the crash site site cutscene being interrupted
Version: 1.3.1 Date: 15.11.2024 Features: - Added a setting to enable/disable the button for the skin selector in the top left. Compatibility: - Correctly copy character attribute bonuses, fixing compatibility with RPGsystem. Bugfixes: - Fixed the skin previews in the character selector being a black rectangle (caused by a Factorio update). - Fixed the player's hand position and cursor ghost not being copied.
Version: 1.3.0 Date: 2.11.2024 Compatibility: - Automatically finds other character skins with "skin" in the name and displays them in the selector window! - Data-stage compatible with Pi-C's "CharacterModHelper" Bugfixes: - Fix a crash caused when switching skins from the Informatron menu fails.
Version: 1.2.2 Date: 1.11.2024 Features: - Redesign skin selector GUI to match the rest of Factorio's GUIs. Bugfixes: - Correctly handle armor animations's armor field again (fixes a potential crash introduced in 1.2.1). - Keep the current GUI open when switching characters.
Version: 1.2.1 Date: 25.10.2024 Features: - Allow skin mods to specify custom footprint particles for a character. - Allow skin mods to specify a custom light definition for a character. - More error detection when registering a skin id. Bugfixes: - Fix how custom water reflections are specified, and correctly apply them to the prototype.
Version: 1.2.0 Date: 21.10.2024 Features: - Update to Factorio 2.0. - No changes are required by dependent character mods; just change the factorio_version to 2.0 in your info.json!
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 10.7.2023 Compatibility: - Detects when running with other skin selector mods; gives them our skins & disables our skin swapping functionality. - In compatibility mode, displays a message in the GUI with information about registered skins & which mod is causing compatibility mode. - Currently works with miniMAXIme and RitnCharacters (though the latter is inherently buggy and not recommended). - miniMAXIme + !skins + Jetpack will cause a crash upon toggling the jetpack; this is waiting for a fix from minime.
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 9.7.2023 Bugfixes: - Fixed filename capitalization error when requiring "common.lua"
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 30.6.2023 Features: - New API! Uses a function instead of setting table values. - Incremented the schema_version (now 2) to account for the above change. - Better error protection and messages when invalid data is passed to the library. - Added a warning when loading a save with a missing skin in use (player's inventory is unavoidably deleted). Bugfixes: - Reset the all-skins smuggle setting on every game load, now the mod will recognize skins that are added later in the game. - Fixed the GUI buttons not changing when skins are added/removed. - Moved some internal stuff to common.lua, and cleaned up some code.
Version: 0.2.0 Date: 2.8.2022 Features: - Added skin selector GUI, with live previews of all available skins and the player's current character. - The skin selector GUI is embedded in the Informatron page. - Added better instructions to both menus. - Added mod-gui button, keybind, & quickbar shortcut to open the GUI. - Added an option to disable the GUI's camera view of the current character (useful in multiplayer because of latency). - Improved initalization and cleanup of player data (active skin, etc.). This prevents potential crashes or desyncs in multiplayer. Bugfixes: - Fixed the /character command help not displaying. - Fixed an issue with trying to swap characters during the intro cutscene (it shouldn't be possible, but was in specific situations). - Moved a safety check to prevent swapping to the current character. - Fixed an issue with resetting the setting value when swapping characters failed. Compatibility: - Better handling of cases where the player is controlling a character from a different mod.
Version: 0.1.7 Date: 28.7.2022 Features: - Added schema_version field to the skins_factored table. Current version is 1
Version: 0.1.6 Date: 27.7.2022 Compatibility: - Call all mods' on_character_swapped event handler, improving compatibility with many character-related mods.
Version: 0.1.5 Date: 27.7.2022 Features: - Copy crafting queue progress when switching characters. Bugfixes: - Fix crash when starting scenarios without a player character. - Fix items stuck in crafting queue by full inventory being both created and re-queued when switching characters. Items will not be re-queued but will still drop on the ground (this is not possible to prevent).
Version: 0.1.4 Date: 19.3.2022 Features: - Swapping characters while in a vehicle (driver or passenger) keeps you in the vehicle. - If after swapping you would be inside a structure, you are moved outside of it. Fixes getting stuck in rocket silos or while being moved by a mod (SE cargo rocket).
Version: 0.1.3 Date: 18.3.2022 Features: - Informatron page with basic info. Bugfixes: - The message displayed when switching characters now uses the right prototype name for the engineer.
Version: 0.1.2 Date: 17.3.2022 Features: - Proper handling of the crash site cutscene at the start of the game; characters will now show the correct skin during the cutscene. Bugfixes: - Initalize variables that would not be set when starting a new game, causing a crash.
Version: 0.1.1 Date: 16.3.2022 Features: - Notify the user if they try to swap to the skin they're currently using, instead of re-swapping to the same one again. - Reset skin setting if swapping characters fails. - Better validation before swapping characters, preventing some possible crashes. - Correctly set player's facing direction when swapping to include diagonal directions. Bugfixes: - Only attempt to change a player's skin when they change the skin setting, instead of when any mods' settings change (whoops lol). Compatibility: - Improve behavior with other skin changing mods. It is now possible to swap between other mods' characters by first selecting the engineer.
Version: 0.1.0 Date: 7.3.2022 Features: - Initial release! - Properly merge character's animation tier armor lists - Generate corpse animation map from character's armor list
Version: 0.0.4 Date: 7.3.2022 Compatibility: - Call Space Exploration's on_character_swapped event
Version: 0.0.3 Date: 25.10.2021 Features: - Swapping character when setting changed - Choose right character on respawn Locale: - Added English translation
Version: 0.0.2 Date: 24.10.2021 Features: - Swapping characters fully functional (all data copied) - Saving settings, no reading yet
Version: 0.0.1 Date: 23.10.2021 Features: - Auto generating prototypes