Simply Power Armor MK3

by bonomel

This mod aims to provide you with an end-game power armor that is a step up from the power armor MK2, but isn't overpowered like those from similar mods. It adds one armor, one technology and one recipe to achieve its goal, and was made to fit seamlessly into a vanilla+ game!

2 years ago
This mod 1 From other mods 8
Dependency types:
Default 5 Required 3 Conflict 1 Optional 1 Hidden 3
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 9.80K
beyond-vanilla-qol-plus >= 1.0.4 322
armor_upgradable_with_mk3 >= 1.0.4 279
all-the-modportal 16
upgradable-power-armor-mk3 234
vtk-armor-reach >= 1.0.2 8.95K
Last dependency data update: 12 hours ago (for v1.0.4)