Factorio Simplified

Your skills must grow. Factorio Simplified lets you tune down the difficulty of the base game. Designed to let my young kids play. Mod settings allow you to make the game's difficulty grow with your (or your kids') skills.

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Removing weapons?

2 years ago

Hi Pluisjen - this mod is awesome! My kids love this game, but my wife doesn't want them to play since they can make "guns." My 4 year old is running around the house talking about building more guns and shooting things. Do you think it would be possible to update this mod to remove the weapons/turrets? Even just renaming them, maybe removing the picture? Army Science 1?

thank you!

9 months ago

I am not the author of this mod and this is probably irrelevant now but there is already a mod for that here https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RemoveMilitaryTech

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