Simple Train Fuel Stop

Automatically requests low-fuel trains, easy to set up and highly customizable.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i Ideas/Improvements

4 years ago

Anything you'd like to be changed? I'll see what I can do!

4 years ago

Is the mod compatible with Optera's LTN? ( )

4 years ago

this mod is designed to be compatible with as much mods as possible, so I would say yes.
I'm going to check it specifically :)

4 years ago

If you're willing to, I can make a french locale :)

4 years ago

How strict are the templates? Could there be an option to match the template strict vs. non-strict, i.e. LCC matches LC but not LCCC or LCCL?

4 years ago

Also, the apply button is confusing - it should be called close, as it doesn't seem to apply settings (or maybe it does, but closing also does, which would also be conbfusiong, as it would falsely imply you can "not apply", also, the advanced settings have no apply button, which is confusing - do you have to go back to basic and hit apply?).

4 years ago

As for UI, it woudl also be nice if escape would close the train stop dialog, as with other dialogs in the game.

4 years ago

And as another suggestion/wishlist: it would be nice if this mod wouldn't create fuel jobs for train stations that do not exist, e.g. I have some LLCCCC trains on separate networks that get refueled in a different way, and this mod keeps creating schedules for fuel stations for these trains, even though no fuel station exists. Or maybe do what the train painter mod does and have euipment that enables or disables usage of this mod.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

And lastly, it works splendidly with LTN, as far as I can tell.

4 years ago

Ah, another suggestion - LTN allows for very generic refuel "stations" by outputting a signal that binary-encodes positions of locomotives, i.e. a LCCL train will output 5 to signal that the first and 4th entity is a locomotive. That way one can create generic refuel stations for any train up to length 32 or so.

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