Shield Generators

Adds turret shields and shield generators for civil structures.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Turret Shield Generators seem to place at centre of sprite, not turret base

2 years ago

Most noticable with the soviet tesla coil mod, where the sprite is about 3x5, but the foundation size is only 3x3 - the Turret Shield Generator is half off of the turret's base.

2 years ago

Turret shield is always placed in centre of turret's position

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Factorio isn't playing nice with PrintScreen, and /screenshot doesn't include outlines from power grids, so I had to do it manually:
The lighter square is the building's foundation, the darker square is (slightly below) where the turret shield is placed.

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