Set Spawn

Commands to manage player/force spawn point

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i Minecraft-Style Spawnpoint

5 years ago

How about a bed item -- the last one placed or walked over decides the spawnpoint for each player individually?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Sorry, I won't be implementing anything like items that set the spawn point for two reasons:

  • Spawn points are tied to an entire force—or team if you will, and not individual players. While there is no effective difference in singleplayer, there is a clear difference in multiplayer, as it would change the spawn point for every player on the same force.

  • It's beyond the scope of this mod regardless. It's intended to be a minimal and utilitarian set of commands to manage/query force spawn points. Nothing more, nothing less.

Thank you for your suggestion, however!

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