Space Exploration Simplified

Is Space Exploration too complex? Why do I have to make an item that's used for only one thing? Why do I have a building that does only one thing? Why are there so many kinds of buildings? WIP, suggestions are welcome.

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Steel Ingot Smelting recipe update is worse than regular steel recipe

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

It looks like the steel output is wrong as it is still set to 10 plates of output, which makes it worse than regular steel smelting.

In phase2 resources.lua, line 8, where you set the steel recipe:

data_util.multiply_recipe("se-iron-ingot-to-plate", 1.8) <-- right here you multiply iron instead of steel
data_util.change_ingredients("se-steel-ingot-to-plate", {"se-steel-ingot"}, {{"iron-plate", 36}, {"coal", 14}, {"se-vulcanite-block", 1}})
data_util.change_category("se-steel-ingot-to-plate", "smelting")

This also makes the iron recipe even better which is probably unintentional.

2 years ago

Thanks for spotting that. I'll get it fixed soon.

New response