Space Exploration - Simplified

by Zoryn

Simplifies many aspects of Space Exploration. All aspects are available as options.

4 months ago
8 months ago
Latest Version:
1.0.6 (4 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
1.03K users

Available Aspects

  • Simplify Astronomic Science
  • Simplify Biological Science
  • Simplify Energy Science
  • Simplify Material Science
  • Science Exponent per Tier
    • The four Simplify Science options will compress the respective science 2, 3, and 4 all into science 1's. The original recipes that produce science 2, 3, and 4 will instead produce an increased amount of science 1's based on the Science Exponent per Tier. Technologies that used science 2, 3, or 4 instead use science 1 with an increased cost. Deep space science is unaffected. You will still need to setup production lines for almost all of the more complex intermediates as they are used in other things. You will probably want to setup the higher-tier science production due to the increased cost of technologies, but it is no longer a hard-wall.
  • Simplify Thermofluid
    • Replaces all uses of thermofluid to just be hot and cold.
  • Simplify Scaffolding
    • Changes the recipe for the basic space scaffolding to just plastic, steel, and stone tablets
  • Early Artillery
    • Artillery only requires Rocket Science instead of Space Science
  • Early Space Elevator
    • Space elevator is available after launching the first rocket
  • Early Space Rails
    • Recommended if you use Early Space Elevator. Makes space rails available after launching the first rocket.
  • Early Spaceships
    • Spaceships become available after the initial Space Science, allowing you to setup automated transport of resources for the early vulcanite/cryonite and beyond.
  • Early Fusion Reactor
    • Fusion reactor personal equipment becomes available with Rocket Science instead of Deep Space science
  • Allow space buildings on ground
    • All space buildings can be built on ground. SE may disable some recipes if it detects this.
  • Allow ground buildings in space
    • All ground buildings can be built in space, including belts/pipes/etc. SE may disable some recipes if it detects this. Additionally, any building that can do advanced-crafting can also do space-crafting and any building that can do chemistry can do space-biochem. Recipes limited to space-manufacturing are not touched.
  • Enable Delivery Delivery Capsules
    • Adds Packed Delivery Cannon Capsules (10 capsules in an assembler etc.) and allows them to be fired through the delivery cannon.
  • Scaffold per Craft
    • Sets the amount of space scaffolding output per crafting operation. 'Vanilla' = 1, default = 10
  • Spaceship Floor per Craft
    • Sets the amount of spaceship flooring output per crafting operation. 'Vanilla' = 1, default = 10
  • Space Platform per Craft
    • Sets the amount of space platforms output per crafting operation. 'Vanilla' = 1, default = 10
  • Space Elevator Cables per Craft
    • Sets the amount of space elevator cables output per crafting operation. 'Vanilla' = 1, default = 10
  • Delivery Cannon Capsules per Craft
    • Sets the amount of delivery capsules output per crafting operation. 'Vanilla' = 1, default = 10
  • Weapon Delivery Capsules per Craft
    • Sets the amount of weapon delivery capsules output per crafting operation. 'Vanilla' = 1, default = 10
  • Enable Productivity Modules in Beacons
    • Allows any beacon to accept productivity modules (disabled by default)
  • Enable Productivity Modules in Space
    • Allows all space machines to use productivity modules, and updates specific SE intermediates to accept productivity effects
  • Enable minimum oil yield
    • Prevents oil yields from reducing below 100% so that your factory does not run out of it. This is included as an option due to the sheer amount of plastic needed by SE intermediates.

Notice regarding requests

This mod was made for my personal use based on what I believe would make SE more engaging and less "ugh". It is being provided with all of its functions as options in the event anyone else would like to learn from it, modify it, or do something similar. I will likely not add additional features by request, but anyone has permission to modify/reupload any portion of this mod.