Space Exploration LTN integration

by harag

Allows LTN to make deliveries through SE's space elevator

2 years ago

b [Invalid] Trains Limits are not obeyed

2 years ago

The Limit Trains setting for LTN seems to only be effective for the provider surface. I have a setup with Limit Trains set to 2, as soon as one enters the elevator, another is dispatched.

2 years ago

I think I don't have the whole picture, yet. If the requester has a limit of two trains it seems normal that a second train would head for it if one train can't fulfill the whole demand.

I have a test map for these kind of things and as far as I can see train limits get obeyed properly - for both providers and requesters. If that's not the case on your map I'd like to take a look at that.

2 years ago

Yeah, it is working fine. I don't know what I'd seen earlier.

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