RP Steam Roboports

Adds steam-based roboports and bots

10 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [fixed] Request chest added as different faction

9 months ago

When you place a steam request chest, it became from a different faction, then you can't mine or do anything with it.

9 months ago

a nvm, so it became a different faction if it runs out of steam..... why would it do that? Needing steam to remove or manual open it is quite annoying.

9 months ago

It's a limitation of the game and it is pretty annoying. There's no way to disable a logistics chest. I work around it by assigning it to a different force when it's out of power, but then it's impossible to mine them. Another way to deal with this would be to swap them out with a normal chest when they run out of steam. But that comes with it's own set of challenges like restoring circuits and requests.

Please +1 this bug from the forum to help me out, although I doubt they'll fix them before 2.0 comes out.


9 months ago

Yah, I had imagined was something to do with the game limitations. They probably won't do anything on this version anymore :(

9 months ago

I'm trying to use these on an SE game right now and it's a little frustrating to deal with. I might find a better way to implement it eventually, or just rush normal requester chests

a month ago

This is fixed in the latest release. It was made possible by new API features in factorio 2.0

a month ago


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