RP Blender Turret 1 Art

Texture files for a new type of turret. This mod does nothing on its own.

1 year, 6 months ago

b Pipe connections don't look right

2 years ago

Since this is mostly used as a steam-powered turret, could you fix the turret base to make the pipe connections look right?

2 years ago

I can't. I'm not a 3D artist. I made these by kit-bashing a bunch of models I bought together. Without having a good pipe model to work with I can't do it.

It's also not that simple with how these art mods are set up. I provide them for use by other people. Part of my process is that I render them at several different levels of detail. This way other mods could have super huge or tiny versions of the turrets. So even if I had the pipe models they wouldn't look right at different sizes. The closest I could get is using a square base... But I don't have that model.

2 years ago

That's a big shame :(

2 years ago

I'm happy with it. All things considered they look pretty good. They're not space exploration or industrial revolution quality but that's ok.

2 years ago

Apart from the pipe connections they really are.

Which is why I brought it up. They're good enough that it stands out that this one little thing isn't there.

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