Rocket Surgery

Rocketry is now much harder.

Mod packs
11 months ago

b What or Where is the recipe for Oxidizer?

11 months ago

Thanks for the mod! I've enjoyed using the earlier versions of it.

Is there a bug in the new version? Or is it just my failure to see/understand?
I ask because I can't find the recipe for Oxidizer. How and where do I make or get it?

I tried to search in crafting and the tech tree for it. Just to rule out incompatibility issues with other mods I even started a new game with this mod being the ONLY mod enabled, and even used the enable all cheats, but I still can't fathom how to make the Oxidizer. With the infinity chest enabled, I can get filled barrels and empty them to get oxidizer, but even doing that didn't help me figure out how to make it.

11 months ago

Oxidizer fluid is made in a chemical plant. The symbol for the fluid is identical to water (sorry I am so lazy!) so your eye might miss it. Otherwise, make sure all tech unlocked? IDK, I will take a closer look after work.

πŸ™ TY for the bug report!

11 months ago

Thank you for the reply.
I double and triple checked again, very thoroughly, but still could not find a recipe for it.

11 months ago

oof. ok I will see what I can do

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

I have made a stupid mistake. Because Oxidizer is based on Water, there is no tech to unlock it and because I did the work in "god-mode", I never noticed. I will see about making a change today.

11 months ago

0.3.1 has been released to address this.

11 months ago

Ah, yes. That would explain it.
I just tested 0.3.1 and am happy to let you know it is now working.
Thank you so much for your time and effort. Cheers!

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