Robot World for Industrial Revolution deprecated

by medikim

For Industrial Revolution, Redesign the robotworld mod of GamingComet. Add New robotics technologies. And more !!

4 years ago
Logistic network

b Clockwork Punkbot not affected by speed changes

4 years ago

Hi again,

My game started out just fine with it working on 1.2.3 but then the next time I loaded my save game (after IR had been updated to 1.0.3) the CLockwork Punkbot is no longer affected by the changes made in this mods settings. I have doubled checked the code and names and couldn't see any problems considering all the other bots are affected just fine. Image below to show the speed comparison on a sandbox with full research if it helps. Given that it is max research but the Punkbot is still the same as it's initial speed I feel this may be an issue with the IR mod instead.

4 years ago

Nevermind, turns out it's because the Punkbot has a max speed setting so it cannot be affected by the settings.

New response